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Livingston Guatemala weather

​​The top 5 Places to Be IN LIVINGSTON GUATEMALA.

NEWs Livingston Guatemala


One of the most popular festivals in Livingston, Guatemala is the Garifuna Settlement Day, also known as "Día de la Raza" or "Día de los Garífunas." This festival is celebrated on November 18th every year to commemorate the arrival of the Garifuna people to the region in 1802. The festival features traditional music and dance performances, parades, and cultural activities that showcase the rich history and culture of the Garifuna people. The celebration is a colorful and lively event, attracting both locals and tourists from all over the world.


Livingston, Guatemala is a hidden gem located on the Caribbean coast of the country. Here you can just in Boat visit. The town is known for its unique Afro-Caribbean culture, stunning beaches, and laid-back atmosphere. One of the most popular spots in Livingston is Playa Blanca, a secluded and picturesque beach that is perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.

​​Something very important about festivals is the places where they are celebrated. Here we show you a number of festivals that will take place in special locations. The locations are unique, whether outdoor, indoor, historical or modern places.

​​The best performance 

​​Another important factor is the presence of artists who will be performing. The number of different artists is also very important at festivals. 

The Porroro Festival:

The Porroro Festival was created for the peaceful unification of people and nations. And to offer your life a new dimension between dream and reality. By participating in the Summartukap Festival, you are helping to create a freer, more peaceful and more tolerant world. Summartukap is a festival for the mind and spirit. Let yourself be carried away by the unique charm, the idea of ​​equality and tolerance.

The next big festival in Livingston, Guatemala is Semana Santa, which is a unique blend of religious and pagan celebrations, making it one of the most popular destinations to visit during this time. For those interested in attending, reservations can be made.

About Livingston Weather 

The weather in Livingston, Guatemala during the month of January is typically warm and humid, with daytime temperatures averaging around 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit (27-29 degrees Celsius). The town is located on the Caribbean coast, so it experiences a tropical climate with high humidity levels. The nights are generally warm, with temperatures dropping to around 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit (21-24 degrees Celsius).

Rain is also common during the month of January, as it is in the middle of the rainy season. The town typically receives around 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) of rainfall during the month, with most of the rain falling in the form of heavy downpours.

It's worth noting that the weather can be unpredictable and can change quickly. It's always a good idea to check the forecast before planning your trip and pack accordingly, bringing an umbrella or rain jacket and comfortable clothing for the heat and humidity.

Das Wetter in Livingston, Guatemala im Januar ist normalerweise warm und feucht, mit Tagestemperaturen von durchschnittlich 27-29 Grad Celsius. Die Stadt liegt an der Karibikküste, weshalb sie ein tropisches Klima mit hohen Luftfeuchtigkeitswerten erfährt. Die Nächte sind in der Regel warm, mit Temperaturen von 21-24 Grad Celsius.

Regen ist auch im Januar häufig, da es sich in der Mitte der Regenzeit befindet. Die Stadt erhält durchschnittlich 20-25 cm Niederschlag im Januar, wobei der größte Teil des Regens in Form von heftigen Schauern fällt.

Es ist zu beachten, dass das Wetter unvorhersehbar sein kann und schnell ändern kann. Es ist immer eine gute Idee, die Vorhersage vor der Planung Ihrer Reise zu überprüfen und entsprechend zu packen, indem Sie einen Regenschirm oder eine Regenjacke und bequeme Kleidung für die Hitze und Feuchtigkeit mitnehmen.